Home » Raritan Blog » Join us for: "Benchmarking your Data Center"
April 25, 2013
Key Note Speaker:
EDI, Ltd.‘s Jeremy Gilbertson, CTS, RCDD
Topics Covered:
Jeremy Gilbertson, CTS, RCDD is Vice President of EDI, Ltd.‘s Data Center Practice and is responsible for overall strategic direction, management, and project delivery for the practice. Jeremy’s expertise involves helping enterprise, third-party provider, healthcare, and higher-education clients understand the current state of their data centers and develop phased strategies that address business requirements, risk profile, and budget.
Join us for an afternoon of leading edge Data Center discussions and real world case studies ranging from design through intelligent infrastructure management followed by a tasting of the best brews and appetizers.
Thursday, May 23rd from 12:00pm-5:00pm
Gordon Biersch Brewery (Buckhead location)
3242 Peachtree Road N
Atlanta GA 30305
Case Studies on Tap:
About EDI, Ltd. EDI, Ltd. is a leading healthcare IT consulting and design firm specializing in medical communication technologies, information systems infrastructure, security, audio-visual systems, and data center.
Attendees will be entered into a drawing for a Kindle Fire!
Space is limited.