The Raritan Blog

Increase Temperature and Save Energy

James Cerwinski
August 2, 2010

Who is ASHRAE and how can they help data center managers save energy?

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning (“ASHRAE”), founded in 1894, is an international organization with 51,000 persons. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publications, and continuing education. One such publication is the “Best Practices for Datacom Facility Energy Efficiency” in which they define the recommended temperature and humidity level as measured at the inlet of datacom equipment. A valuable point to note is that the 2009 recommended upper limit temperature is 80.6 degrees F which is an increase of 3.6 degrees F over the 2004 recommendation. It is also important to note that the specific recommended range is defined more precisely on a Psychrometric chart in which each point is defined by the dry-bulb temperature and the relative humidity.

It is widely accepted that you can save energy by avoiding over-cooling a data center. More on this in my next post.

James Cerwinski

Integrated Network, Console and Power Management at Raritan Data Center

Allen Yang
July 28, 2010

At Raritan’s data centers, we integrate network monitoring and management with console management and power management into a single global IT dashboard.  From the IT dashboard, IT members can see the current hot issues and track their progresses, or click into the network monitoring system to see the details of topology map and network and servers health.   What’s cool is that, with Dominion PX, the network monitor also displays environmental sensor information such as the temperature on the same screen, making it really convenient  for IT members.  The only glitch was that we initially forgot to make it clear that the temperature was reported in 1/10 Celcius units, I almost had a heart attack when I saw the temperature numbers for the first time.

The dashboard summarizes power consumption information for each data center; for details, IT administrators can then click through to access Power IQ.  This is convenient enough for now; but we are thinking to correlate the server utilization with data center power consumption in the future.  And we are waiting for the next release of Power IQ to calculate data center PUE numbers as we are now calculating that manually.

After we integrated network management with power management, we are currently integrating Raritan CC-SG and KVM into the same IT dashboard to provide the same one-click convenience of securely accessing servers and VMs through Raritan CC-SG/KVM devices. We can do this all because of Raritan’s support for open standards and popular AA services including SNMP, IPMI and Active Directory in its products.  It feels really good to see that Raritan products integrate easily with popular network management tools.

IT Productivity Boosts

Richard Dominach
July 28, 2010


Join Industry Pros for a Data Center Efficiency Event! Keynote Address: "The Integrated System to Manage the Data Center Ecology" by Bill Dunckel, PG&E.

Dorothy Ochs
July 26, 2010

Full Power: Join us as we share our ideas on how to efficiently power your data center and impact your bottom line.

Energy is the single largest expense of data center operations. Improving efficiency is the surest way to impact your bottom line.

Join us for a first-of-its-kind energy summit featuring power players from Raritan, Teledata Communications, Federspiel Controls, and Power Assure. Learn from the experts how to capitalize on data center energy efficiency as they debunk common misconceptions and illustrate:

Raritan presenting at BICSI Indianapolis on July 26th

July 19, 2010

How do you use PUE to minimize wasted power?  How do you identify stranded power and thereby possibly delay the construction of a very expensive new data center?  How do justify  the investment to gather detailed power information?  Attend our Data Center Power Savings presentation at BICSI and learn how.

BICSI Region Meeting - Indianapolis, IN *

IUPUI Campus Center

420 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, IN 46202


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