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Jessica Ciesla
October 24, 2018
Just a few years ago there were roughly 15 billion devices connected to the IoT, or "Internet of Things". By 2020, that number is expected to grow to 30.7 billion - representing about $1.29 trillion across all markets. Countless products - from industrial sensors, workspace management applications, to wearable devices - are all connected to the Internet, and to each other. This is allowing them to create and share valuable data every second of the day.
For business leaders, this is cause for celebration - to an extent. While it's true that IoT as a concept brings powerful benefits in terms of productivity, efficiency and cost savings, it also brings with it its fair share of challenges. These challenges often lead to projects stalling out before they've even had a chance to begin.
In this blog post, we’ll go into detail about the top three challenges you are most likely to face when beginning an IoT implementation - and how to address them in the most effective ways.