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Paula Alves
April 9, 2012
Over the past few years, economic uncertainty and the subsequent impact on businesses have led many IT organizations down a cost reduction path. to virtualization of their IT infrastructure, and movement to the “cloud.” In fact, according to Gartner, in Cloud Computing: Economic, Financial and Service Impact on IT Planning Assumptions, “cloud” adoption is forecasted to grow from 3.5% of the IT marketplace to 5.9% in 2015.
To ensure the IT infrastructure remains available before an organization jumps on the “cloud” bandwagon, it is important to identify the tools that will be needed to control, manage and secure this new “cloud-based” architecture. With application virtualization and additional access options such as mobile smartphones and tablets – not always owned by the business – how do you ensure secure access to your network? The costs to rip and replace existing infrastructures can be exorbitant.