The Raritan Blog

Is your IT management solution at risk?

Paula Alves
May 22, 2013

Managing an IT infrastructure is complex, expensive and critical to a company’s success. Many IT and lab managers use CommandCenter® Secure Gateway (CC-SG) management solution for secure and consolidated remote IP access from a variety of desktop and mobile clients to KVM and power management solutions, blades, virtualized servers, and serial devices.

IT infrastructure management solutions only work effectively if they evolve along with the  IT and computing systems they support.  To address recent security issues and decrease vulnerabilities, many IT and lab managers have recently updated their IT and computing systems.  To support this evolution and the needs of our customers, Raritan has introduced Release 5.4.

With this latest release, CC-SG provides IT and lab infrastructure support for:

  • Java 6 and Java 7, to address new Java releases that address multiple Java  zero-day security issues and decrease vulnerabilities.
  • Microsoft RDP Client Proxy mode for support the latest Windows operating systems.
  • VMware vSphere 5.1, VMware 4.x and 5.0 Remote Consoles for Virtual Media support
  • Additional APIs for added integration with customer software systems

With CC-SG IT and lab managers can be responsive to changing needs while reducing downtime, increasing security and reducing costs.   Upgrade now to continue to be responsive and keep your IT infrastructure running.

To learn more about CC-SG Release 5.4 download our data sheet or take a free test drive.