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Sanjay Motwani
October 21, 2015
Imagine a data center in New York or Shanghai or Bangalore for that matter, looking at expansion. With leases and rentals hitting the roof, what is the most economical way for them to expand? A horizontal growth will only incur additional expenses of cabling, cooling and not to mention gigantic real estate. Adding to the operating cost can only put pressure on the bottom-line. Data centers have a continuous need to look at ways to be cost effective in order to get a competitive edge in the crowded market space. With the realty rates reaching the sky, data centers are challenged to maximize benefits from existing space without impacting their expansion plans. If this sounds like a complex problem, the solution is simple – find ways that provide more computing power for less cost per square foot. Now, the question is how do we put this simple solution to work? The answer lies in vertical expansion powered by the right choice of power distribution units.