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James Cerwinski
May 12, 2009
Data Center energy efficiency rebates are a win-win.
An abundant supply of inexpensive energy is fuel for the world economy. Four of the last six recessions were caused in part by high energy prices and supply concerns. $454 billion was spent by energy exploration and production companies in 2008 according to a survey of 357 oil and gas companies by Barclays Capital. In comparison, the U.S. Department of Energy spend only about $650 million on energy conservation. It will take both new supply and energy conservation to meet our energy requirements.
I applaud Pacific Gas and Electric and San Diego Gas and Electric for making an investment in energy conservation.
Pacific Gas and Electric is the leader in offering Data Center energy efficiency rebates and incentive programs. Over the last three years they have announced rebate programs to replace existing servers with new energy efficient servers and rebates to consolidate servers through virtualization. It is important to contact them for rebate approval before you implement your plan. They pay $158 per consolidated server.
High Technology Facilities Rebates
San Diego Gas & Electric Company offers financial incentives for server virtualization projects. SDG&E offers an incentive of 8 cents per kilowatt hour saved. If you’re running an green data center, this should be a big help.
Please share your knowledge of additional data center energy rebate programs.
James Cerwinski
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