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James Cerwinski
June 9, 2009
New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program provides energy rebates for custom projects that reduce energy consumption by at least 25,000 kWh per year. The custom project program is for projects beyond standard projects such as upgrading a HVAC. It can cover projects such as server virtualization and deploying a data center energy management system that will turn off systems at scheduled times provided the energy savings is predicable, documented and meets all other program criteria.
The program is funded and governed by the State of NJ and the BPU. The total clean energy program is funded at $90 million for 2009. This program is state wide and not limited to a specific utility.
James Cerwinski
May 19, 2009
Want to be more energy efficient and your data center is in Austin, Texas? Austin Energy offers up to $200,000 in rebate opportunities.
Austin Energy’s data center efficiency rebate is available on:
Data center owners, design professionals and contractors can file rebate applications.
Learn more at: Data Center Energy Efficiency Information and Rebate Forms
Tell me about other utilities offering rebates.
James Cerwinski
James Cerwinski
May 12, 2009
Data Center energy efficiency rebates are a win-win.
An abundant supply of inexpensive energy is fuel for the world economy. Four of the last six recessions were caused in part by high energy prices and supply concerns. $454 billion was spent by energy exploration and production companies in 2008 according to a survey of 357 oil and gas companies by Barclays Capital. In comparison, the U.S. Department of Energy spend only about $650 million on energy conservation. It will take both new supply and energy conservation to meet our energy requirements.
I applaud Pacific Gas and Electric and San Diego Gas and Electric for making an investment in energy conservation.
Pacific Gas and Electric is the leader in offering Data Center energy efficiency rebates and incentive programs. Over the last three years they have announced rebate programs to replace existing servers with new energy efficient servers and rebates to consolidate servers through virtualization. It is important to contact them for rebate approval before you implement your plan. They pay $158 per consolidated server.
High Technology Facilities Rebates
San Diego Gas & Electric Company offers financial incentives for server virtualization projects. SDG&E offers an incentive of 8 cents per kilowatt hour saved. If you’re running an green data center, this should be a big help.
Please share your knowledge of additional data center energy rebate programs.
James Cerwinski
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James Cerwinski
April 21, 2009
By now you have heard of carbon cap and trade programs, but most likely this was in reference to activity in Japan or Europe. This blog is notice to you that it will be coming to the United States soon and you should understand what it means to you.
The attached document provides and overview of greenhouse effect and carbon cap, what it will mean to you and how some Japanese companies took advantage of this opportunity.
Carbon Cap and Trade & Data Centers
Do you measure your Data Center’s Carbon Footprint?
James Cerwinski
April 14, 2009
Google hosted a summit on Data Center Efficiency Best Practices with industry leaders on April 1, 2009. It was a day long event. You can watch videos with good information on how to make your data center more efficient. Data Center Efficiency Best Practices Summit
James Hamilton, VP and Distinguished Engineer Amazon Web Services, presented a strong case for his best practices. He explained that you can achieve a 2 times gain over current averages without advanced techniques. He proclaimed - “metrics drive behavior”. I fully agree with him on that point. He challenged data center managers to push the limits and to rely more upon control software. One of his many best practices is “Power Yield Management”. He explained that power is the most valuable resource. Therefore it should be over sold just as an airline sells more seats than the airplane holds to ensure a higher utilization.
He also gave reasoning on why we should run data centers at a higher temperature. This one chart gives ASHRAEs’ recommendation, range most data centers operate and the Dell PowerEdge 2950 warranty level - a shocking 95 degrees. Temperature Chart
What is the temperature of your data center?
James Cerwinski
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Data center power efficiency information at this link.