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Jessica Ciesla
April 14, 2021
Environmental monitoring is a data-intensive information gathering exercise. Read more to learn about best practices for deploying intelligent rack PDUs for environmental monitoring applications.
Jessica Ciesla
March 30, 2021
Rack densities are increasing in data centers, but not enough to stretch existing resources and require wholesale changes in power distribution and cooling. Meanwhile, data center outages are becoming more frequent and disruptive – and they are mostly caused by power problems, according to a recent study by the Uptime Institute. Let’s take a closer look at these two trends.
Jessica Ciesla
March 17, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed already youthful developments of 5G and IoT infrastructure and took them to their limits. In this blog, we recap 2021 trends for data center infrastructure.
Jessica Ciesla
March 8, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the data center industry’s reliance on remote management. In this blog, we discuss the role of Raritan SmartSensors while looking back a year.
Jessica Ciesla
March 2, 2021
For the past year, the European Union (EU) has threatened to enact green data center laws including a goal of requiring data centers in Europe to be climate neutral by 2030. But in hopes of preempting government regulations, a group of European data center operators have signed a pact to self-regulate themselves.