Home » Support » Paragon II » Version 4.8.0
Important End-of-Life Announcement
Due to the unavailability of electronic components, the Paragon II is no longer available for sale. End-of-support for the Paragon II has also come to an end. The replacement upgrade for this product is the Dominion KX III and IP User Station.
Click here to see how the Dominion KX III delivers everything the Paragon II does plus added benefits like greater IP flexibility, improved productivity, superior performance, military-grade security, and the highest available reliability.
Visio Stencils
Download Paragon II Visio Stencils
Download Paragon II CAC Reader EUST-C Visio Stencils
Important: If you have not updated the firmware boot loaders for your Paragon II switches and user stations, please do so during this upgrade process. Please be certain to utilize boot loader file version 0C4 for the main switching unit(s) and 0C5 for the stacking unit(s). For further details, please review Chapter 12 of the Paragon II User Guide: "Firmware Upgrade".Note that not all firmware has changed for this release. Please refer to the Release Notes for a list of updated firmware.
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