The Raritan Blog

Keyboard Video & Mouse (KVM) Switch Basics

Richard Dominach
October 24, 2014

KVM 101 Keyboard Video Mouse Switch Basics Raritan

What is a KVM Switch?

KVM switches enable users to access and control multiple computer devices from a single keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) console. This includes servers, PCs, workstations, and even tablet computers.  Anyone requiring access to multiple computing devices over short or long distances can benefit from a KVM switch!  This ranges from an engineer switching between multiple computers under his/her desk to an IT administrator maintaining thousands of servers across multiple sites. 

5 Reasons Why You Need the Latest Generation Rack iPDU

Michael Bord
October 21, 2014

Couldn't make it to Raritan's booth at AFCOM Orlando this year? Not to worry. See David Wood's presentation on the  PX3 -- Raritan's third-generation intelligent rack PDU!

What is DCIM? Watch This Two Minute Video to Find Out

Michael Bord
October 16, 2014

What is DCIM and why do you need it for your data center? Find out in less than two minutes. See if DCIM is right for your data center.

What is Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and how is it Calculated?

Jeanne Ziobro
October 13, 2014

Raritan PUE Power Usage Effectiveness Total Facility Power

The Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) metric which was first introduced by The Green Grid® in 2007 has become the de facto standard for measuring data center efficiency.  But despite its prevalence, many data center operators are unclear on what PUE is, how it is calculated, and how it can be used to further energy efficiency initiatives. For instance, many data center managers know that their PUE readings should be as close to the number one as possible, but why?

See Pictures of How Researchers Use Raritan’s KVM-Over-IP Switch in Antarctica

Michael Bord
October 10, 2014

iceberg in antarctica

There are some big questions in life and the Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU) aims to answer them. According to its website, priority research areas at INSU mainly cover:

  • The formation and evolution of the universe, its components (especially dark matter and energy), and the objects that make it up (galaxies, stars and planetary systems).
  • The formation, history and structure of the Earth, the interaction between its interior and envelope, its natural resources (metals, energy, water, soils, etc), and the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  • Climate change and variability, biogeochemical cycles (carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, etc), atmosphere-cryosphere-ocean interaction, and atmospheric composition.
  • Exchanges between land surface and the atmosphere and oceans, evolution of eco-hydrological systems, and weather-related hazards.

As part of its mission, the INSU utilize an array of sophisticated scientific instruments on Dumont d'Urville Station located in Antarctica on Île des Pétrels, archipelago of Pointe Géologie in Adélie Land.   To operate these devices and access the data they amass, researchers rely on Raritan’s Dominion® KX II-101 single port KVM switch for remote access.

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