The Raritan Blog

Paragon II Release 4.8.2 with support for high definition DDC adapters - Now Available

Paula Alves
October 17, 2012

Paragon II Release 4.8.2 provides several enhancements and maintenance items – particularly the release of high definition DDC adapters.  These new DDC adapters support widescreen resolutions for 21” and 23” LCD displays:

  • DDC-1080P – DDC adapter for 1920x1080  with a 16:9 ratio
  • DDC-1920 – DDC adapter for 1920x1200 with a 16:10 ratio

This new release also provides a SwitchMan USB “front-end” to the P2-EUST User Station.

The upgrade is free for customers.  It is recommended that all customers upgrade to this new release.

Please reference the release notes for more information on these new enhancements and included maintenance items.

Release 4.8.2 firmware and documentation can be accessed at Raritan’s Paragon II support page: