In this industry brief, we discuss the IoT, its relationship to Smart Cities and 5G wireless, and how IoT, Smart Cities, and 5G will require remotely managed intelligent power to deliver on the promises of better information and control, resulting in improved lifestyles and greater efficiency.
In this white paper, we discuss a new flexible solution for extending the life of your IT infrastructure. The solution can deliver a cost-effective means of remotely monitoring and managing a diversity of remote, unstaffed facilities by adding a layer of intelligence enabled by a wide variety of sensors.
Blockchain is a promising technology for many markets. With the decentralized network of trust that blockchain enables, large numbers of stakeholders can engage in secure data exchanges, financial transactions, and other multi-party business processes without depending on centralized clearinghouse authorities — which can add cost, friction, and a potential single point-of-failure to markets where agility and stakeholder sovereignty have become increasingly desirable.
Most new datacenters operate at optimal availability and with infrastructural energy efficiency close to theoretical design targets. As such, it might be argued that the two biggest challenges of datacenter technology in the past 30 years have been addressed. But despite this progress, the pace of change in the datacenter industry will continue and is likely to accelerate over the next decade and beyond. This will be spurred by increasing demand for digital services, as well as the need to embrace new technologies and innovation while mitigating future disruption. At the same time, there will also be a requirement to meet increasingly stringent business parameters and service levels.
IT has always supported computing at remote sites. But business-critical digital activity at remote sites is rapidly intensifying due to multiple factors that include pervasive mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), and real-time analytics. IT must therefore proactively rethink its approach to remote infrastructure in order to enable critical digital activity and to ensure that it continues uninterrupted — while at the same time driving cost out of remote site ownership
It used to be sufficient to regulate access to the data center as a whole, as long as you could reasonably ensure that no unauthorized personnel had access to your sensitive digital infrastructure. However, times are certainly changing. Escalating regulatory requirements across industries now require that sensitive systems and data be subject to their own specific protections. As a data center manager, you must track and monitor their access to specific sensitive systems and ensure they have the correct rights to a particular area. With that being said, in order to fulfill your rack-level compliance requirements with the utmost confidence and efficiency, you need to make some smart decisions for both the near and long term. This white paper outlines how you can accomplish this with limited resources.
In this whitepaper, we will examine the importance of data center environmental monitoring, explore the variety of monitoring strategies, and how they complement intelligent power monitoring solutions. From there, we’ll discuss how to instrument your data center with these tools and provide some real-world use cases.
遠端存取技術改善營運持續性、簡化 IT 管理與降低成本的五個方式。