主頁 » 部落格 » Raritan’s Dominion KX III KVM-Over-IP vs Its KX II Predecessor
Posted on April 25, 2014 by Gento
AIT Partnership Group, a leading Raritan reseller in Europe and a trusted advisor on Data Center Management, Secure Network and Broadcast & Control Room Solutions, featured Raritan’s new Dominion KX III KVM-over-IP switch in their Data Centre Blog in April. The post describes the many advancements of the next-generation KX III, highlighting the blazing video performance of the KX III in a video comparison versus its predecessor. Capable of IP remote video performance of up to 30 frames per second for 1920x1080 HD video, the KX III is perfect for both traditional IT applications and for dynamic, audio and video-based applications.
"The increased processing power can be best seen in this practical demo."
Try the Dominion KX III from your computer, right now! Take a test drive.