Want to dramatically reduce your CAPEX spend on your next data center buildout? Consider deploying hardwired rack power distribution units (rack PDUs).
Use Raritan’s PX iPDU Series to reliably distribute power for up to sixteen power supplies. The Cisco Nexus 7718 is an 18-slot chassis with 18 front-accessible vertical module slots and front-to-back airflow and an integrated cable management system.
Use Raritan’s PX iPDU Series to reliably distribute power for up to eight power supplies. The Cisco Nexus 7710 is a 10-slot chassis with 10 front-accessible horizontal module slots and front-to-back airflow and an integrated cable management system.
Use Raritan’s PX iPDU Series to reliably distribute power for up to four power supplies. The Cisco Nexus 7018 is an 18-slot chassis with 18 front-accessible horizontal module slots and side-to-side airflow and an integrated cable management system.
Use Raritan’s PX iPDU Series to reliably distribute power for up to three power supplies. The Cisco Nexus 7010 is a 10-slot chassis with 10 front-accessible vertical module slots and front-to-back airflow and an integrated cable management system.
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Raitan和無線網路基地台廠商Xirrus 共同推出的白皮書,介紹資料中心複雜的無線監控和管理解決方案。比起有線乙太網路,Wi-Fi資料中心基礎架構管理具有許多優勢。乙太網路需要額外佈線、切換器,機架空間和其他更多的條件。事實上在多數情況之下,一個完整的Wi-Fi 解決方案的成本低於乙太網路佈線。
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