Product Support

PX2 / PX3 / PXC / PXO

Support Notes

Important Network Configuration Changes in Xerus 4.0.x GA release (8/30/2022)
This release introduces the feature that allows configuring an interface-specific gateway that will require changes in the initial deployment procedures in the field. Please contact Raritan Support if you need additional information.

Xerus 3.6.10 or Higher Needed to Support new DX2 SmartSensors and AMS Asset Management Strips (10/5/2020)
Customers using peripherals DX2-AF1, DX2-WS1, DX2-T1DP1, DX2-ENVHUB4, DX2-REMHUB4, AMS-48U, AMS-M2 with products PX2, PX3, PXE, PXO, PXC, PX3TS, SRC and BCM2 will require firmware release 3.6.10 on them to function. Products running earlier releases will not detect the above sensors until new firmware 3.6.10 has been applied. Please review firmware 3.6.10 release notes for more information and contact Raritan Support to obtain the v3.6.10 firmware file.

Important Network Configuration Changes in Xerus 4.0.10 GA release. (8/30/2022)

Important SSH Interface Changes in Xerus™ Firmware 3.6.0 and Later (10/1/2020)

Important Information for Customers with PX2-2xxx Models running Firmware 3.4.0 (3/14/2019)

Default Password Policy Change (Power Products) (3/10/2020)

Tech Note: Xerus Security Features in Raritan PX3 Rack PDUs (11/1/2024)


General Notes

Some part numbers are discontinued and are now end of life. Click here to learn more.

Never install an older release than the firmware currently installed. The only exception would be if this is done under the direction of Raritan Support.

General Availability (GA) releases are fully tested, production-ready, and are recommended for most customers and deployments.

Limited Availability (LA) releases are of the same testing and production quality as GA releases but may have some missing or extra features. Because of this, LA releases are typically only delivered to select customers and/or select product types. Related binary files are, therefore, not available for public download through the website. For access to LA binary files, please contact your regional Raritan Support team for assistance who will first ensure proper compatibility with your specific model(s) and then will provide files as needed.


Xerus™ Firmware v4.2.10 LImited Availability (LA)

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