The SX is no longer available. See Raritan’s Next Generation Serial Console Server, the Dominion® SX II.
There are two distinct firmware upgrade paths based on which Dominion SX unit you own. Please read the information below to determine which path is appropriate for your unit.
1. NOT Applicable to Dominion SX Legacy Products (DSX-16/DSX-32; Serial Numbers beginning with WAA, WAB, WP, WQ, SX; or NOT displaying a PMON Version on the Information “i” button or Maintenance → Firmware Version and no reset button pinhole on the back of the unit). For more information on these products please click here or go to the End of Life Product Section.
2. NOT Applicable to Dominion SX versions below 2.5.x
3. For CommandCenter Secure Gateway customers: Dominion SX 3.4.0 is compatible with CC-SG 5.3.0. Note that CC-SG 5.3.0 does not include the SX 3.4.0 firmware. If using CC-SG to deploy SX 3.4.0, please load SX 3.4.0 onto CC-SG 5.3.0. Instructions are available in the CC-SG Administration Guide (Upgrading Devices). Note that CC-SG 5.3.0 will present an on-screen note that SX 3.4.0 is not compatible. This can be ignored. SX 3.4.0 will be included in the next release of CC-SG in 2013. Please contact Raritan Tech Support with any questions or if you need further assistance.
Visio Stencils
Download Dominion SX Visio Stencils
Updated 9/8/2014
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