Computer Interface Modules

Computer Interface Modules

CIMs for KVM Switches

Raritan offers a full line of CIMs to support a variety of platforms and applications.

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Computer Interface Modules



Dominion dual USB/VGA CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, KSX II, LX



Dominion USB CIM for OS virtual media and absolute mouse synchronization.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, KSX II, LX


Dominion USB-C CIM for OS virtual media and absolute mouse synchronization. Single connection to server USB-C port.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX III, LX II



Dominion CIM for Remote Power Control (RPC) and Dominion PX.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III



Dominion digital DisplayPort, USB CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, LX



Dominion digital HDMI, USB CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, LX



Dominion digital DVI-D, USB CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, LX



CIM for USB and SUN USB keyboard and mouse.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, KSX II



Dominion Computer Interface Module (CIM) for SUN ports, HD15 video.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX II, KX III, KSX II



Dominion CIM for VGA, PS/2 ports.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches:KX, KX II, KX III



MasterConsole CAT USB Computer Interface Module (CIM) of MCCAT18/116.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: KX,KX II, KX III




MasterConsole Cat CIM for PS2 ports.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: MasterConsole CAT, TMCAT17



Integrated UTP cables for PS2 ports. Item # - MCUTP06-PS2, MCUTP20-PS2, MCUTP40-PS2, MCUTP60-PS2

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: MasterConsole CAT, TMCAT17



Integrated UTP Cables for Sun USB keyboard and mouse. Item # - MCUTP06-SUSB, MCUTP20-SUSB, MCUTP40-SUSB, MCUTP60-SUSB

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: LX, MasterConsole CAT, TMCAT17



Integrated UTP cables for USB ports. Item # - MCUTP06-USB, MCUTP20-USB, MCUTP40-USB, MCUTP60-USB

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: LX, MasterConsole CAT, TMCAT17



Paragon II PS/2 CIM for use with IBM BladeCenter; support automatic skew compensation.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II




Paragon II Computer Interface Module (CIM) for PS/2 providing automatic skew compensation with P2-EUST.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II



Paragon II Computer Interface Module (CIM) for PS/2 provides 2 separate channel ports and supports automatic skew compensation with P2-EUST.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II



Paragon II Computer Interface Module (CIM) for USB/Sun USB providing automatic skew compensation with P2-EUST.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II



Paragon II USB CIM for use with IBM BladeCenter; supports automatic skew compensation.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II



Paragon II USB CIM; enables Smart Card/Common Access Card authentication when used with the P2-EUST/C user station.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II



Paragon II CIM for USB/Sun Dual port allows two users to access one target PC and automatic skew compensation with P2-EUST.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II



Paragon/KX CIM for Serial (Ascii) Device.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: LX, MasterConsole CAT,TMCAT17, KX II, KX III, Paragon II



Dominion KX and Paragon II CIM for remote power control. Not for Dominion KX II.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II, KX




Paragon II ZCIM for PS/2.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II




Paragon II ZCIM for USB (Sun and Non-Sun computers).

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II




KX II/Paragon II/LX CIM for serial (ASCII) devices for European market. USB or PWR-SER-4 powered.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II, LX, KX II, KX III




Power Supply to support up to four P2CIM-SER and P2CIM-SER-EU.

Compatible with the following KVM Switches: Paragon II, LX, MasterConsole CAT, TMCAT17, KX II, KX III

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